Thursday 19 January 2023

Playing for Keeps

 On January 18, 1943, the Red Army broke the siege of Leningrad during the Iskra (Spark) Offensive waged by the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts.

This week President Putin laid flowers at the "Frontier Stone" monument on the Nevsky Piglet.  This marks the 80th anniversary of the breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad.  Video  

This is no empty ritual for him.  His older brother died during the siege and it’s a miracle his parents survived to go on and bring into the world – thanks be to God.

Simultaneously, according to Deutsche Welle, the European Parliament has just voted for the creation of a tribunal for the top leadership of the Russian Federation and Belarus, to investigate the crimes of Putin and Lukashenko. 

On the Resolution calling for the creation of an international tribunal to investigate the crimes of Putin and Lukashenko" of European Parliament the vote was as follows;

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) that voted in favour: 472

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) that voted against: 19

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) that abstained: 33

Only 10% did not agree!!

We have already seen armour with the German Iron Cross insignia used by the orcs in the war footage to date.  The Polish leadership is braying to be able to send German armour into battle in Orcland.  What message does all this send to the Russian people if German armour in similar livery rolls out to fight?

We now see in Putin a man whose family was forged in the dreadful fires of total war.  He has no illusions of what war really means and is not afraid to face it.  Now the idiots in the EU have basically put out a wanted poster with his head on it.

Today/tomorrow Putin will give a speech to the Russian people.  He gave a similar speech in February 2022 and we know what followed.  The Russian armed forces are fully mobilised and ready.  The ground in orcland has frozen.  

Before the conflict the Russians wanted NATO back to the 1991 borders.  Who would want to stop them if they set out to enforce that demand?  We’ll be lucky if he stops at the Polish border and leaves the yapping Baltic lapdogs in one piece.   


For more info on Putin’s family’s ordeal in Leningrad here’s a recent post on Telegram.

Part 1

Part 2

✔️ The war began, the father wrote a statement to the front. They sent him to the NKVD sabotage detachment. They were thrown into the near rear to carry out acts of sabotage, but they almost immediately fell into an ambush. Someone betrayed them. They were pursued through the forest, and he survived because he sat for several hours in a swamp and breathed through a reed.

✔️ Moreover, he heard how German soldiers passed nearby, how dogs yapped. They brought me a file on this group from the archives of the Ministry of Defense. Of the 28 people, four crossed the front line back to ours. 24 died.

✔️ And then they were sent to the Nevsky Piglet. It was probably the hottest place in the entire blockade. Our troops held a small bridgehead, it was assumed that this would be a bridgehead for breaking the blockade. The dominating heights were all around him, they were shooting through him. It's still solid metal.

✔️ And my father told how he was wounded there. All his life he lived with shrapnel in his leg: all of them were never taken out. The foot never flexed afterwards. He and his friend made a sortie to the rear of the Germans, crawled and crawled ... And then it was both funny and sad: they got close to the German pillbox, a healthy man came out of there, looked at them ... but they could not get up, because they were at gunpoint. “A man,” he says, “he looked at us carefully, took out a grenade, then a second one and threw these grenades at us.” Life is such a simple thing and cruel.

✔️ It was already winter, the Neva was frozen, it was necessary to somehow get over to the other side. There were few who wanted to drag him to the other side, because there the Neva was in full view and was shot through by both artillery and machine guns. There was almost no chance to reach that shore. But quite by chance, his housemate in Peterhof turned out to be nearby. And this neighbor dragged him without hesitation. Both of them made it there alive. The neighbor waited for him in the hospital, made sure that he had been operated on, and said: “Well, now you will live, and I went to die.”

✔️ And went back. And then I asked my father: “Well, did he die?” They got lost, and the father still believed that the neighbor was dead. And somewhere in the 60s, he suddenly came home, sat on a chair and cried. He met this savior. In the shop. In Leningrad. By chance. I went to the grocery store and saw him. It’s necessary that both of them went to this particular store at that very moment. One chance in a million...

✔️ And my mother told me how she came to her father in the hospital. They had a small child, he was three years old. And the hunger, the blockade ... And her father gave her his hospital ration. Secretly from doctors and nurses. And she hid him, carried him home and fed the child. Well, then he began to faint in the hospital, the doctors understood everything and stopped letting her in.

✔️ And then the child was taken away from her. They did this in secret order in order to save children from starvation. Collected in orphanages for evacuation. The parents weren't even asked. He fell ill there and did not survive. And they were not even told where he was buried. And so people I didn’t know worked in the archives and found documents for my brother.

✔️ And this is really my brother. Not only the address where he was taken from coincided. Matched first name, last name, patronymic, year of birth. And the place of burial was indicated: Piskarevsky cemetery and even a specific site.

✔️ And the father, when the child was taken away and the mother was left alone, and he was allowed to walk, stood on crutches and went home. When I approached the house, I saw that the orderlies were carrying corpses out of the entrance. And I saw my mother. He approached, and it seemed to him that she was breathing.

✔️And he says to the orderlies: “She’s still alive!” - "On the way it will come, it will not survive." He said that he attacked them with crutches and forced her to lift her back to the apartment. And he left her. She stayed alive. And lived until 1999. And he died at the end of 1998.

✔️ And there was no family where someone would not die, but they did not have hatred for the enemy, that's amazing. To be honest, I still don't fully understand this. Mom said: “Well, what kind of hatred can there be for these soldiers? They are simple people. They were just driven to the front." These are the words I remember from my childhood.

Sunday 15 January 2023

USS Liberty – Operation Cyanide

 It’s strange how some concepts and ideas rhyme.  I came across a new documentary series posted on Telegram about the USS Liberty’s deliberate attack by Israhell in June 1967.  For the newbies, it was planned that she was to go down with all hands.

The small hat squad schemed this with their usual ‘skills’.  The attack was to be blamed on Egypt and the US Navy’s plans were already in the air to ‘avenge’ the Liberty.  Cairo was to be nuked, Abdel Nasser would be gone and LBJ’s campaign funding issues would be solved.  Israhell’s hands would be clean – or so they thought.  

Yet again the law of unintended consequences comes into play.  The USSR was watching closely and on the detonation of the first nuke Jerusalem would have been converted in a flat landscape of Trinitite.

These people are cunning and not clever.  They are running the White House like the movie ‘A Weekend at Biden’s’.  These are the clowns plotting the downfall of Russia.  What could go wrong?

Do remember the 34 souls that died that day.

Part 1 June 8th (note – I don’t believe JewTube’s stats)

Part 2 Q & A with Vets

Part 3 Intro to Part 4

Part 4 Whodunnit!!

For more information on Sacrificing Liberty visit

Saturday 14 January 2023

Whoops Apocalypse - updated

 I was going to post the usual Christmas and New Year wishes etc but then I realised the only regular reader is sadly no longer with us.  I still mention you buddy in my prayers.  Tonight is the Russian Orthodox or Old New Year.

War, Famine, Pestilence, Death.  In a joke by Bill Hicks he was watching CNN (even then).  These 4 horsemen were all they reported yet when he stuck his head out the door there was nothing but the peaceful sound of crickets.

Growing up in Belfast I would meet people from no more than an hour’s travel away.  They said there was no troubles where they came from.  Not yet feckers!!

I had a post ready back in November just before the US mid-terms.  I was spot on.  The vote was stolen.  As it turns out just enough to stop the obvious need for lynchings but enough to stop the popular vote landslide.  

Slavery, servitude or civil war.  Whatever the outcome, the first American Republic is over.  Like France there will be another republic – only the body count will vary.

The Russian Bear is still tearing strips of the ZOG’s pet attack dog and there’s nothing they can do to stop it.  The irony of the master race’s orcs being overrun by Wagner’s ex-con merc’s this week in Solidar has too much irony to put in to words.

Now dying suddenly is caused by climate change, or taking naps, or sun spots or it’s always been like this…..  Teens always drop dead during sport, top flight athletes fall over because of a knock to the chest and airline pilot shortages are caused by racism…………..

This is my new word of the year to come.  By no standards are we out of the collective shit.  

Cold men in groups that call themselves ‘elites’ have long since prepared these times. They have ruled from above for so long that you and I are mere ants under their feet.  They used to be called Aristocracy – the upper class.  They no longer have a name.  They have risen above that name.  They live above the ‘new money’ Billionaires and reign from the shadows. 

Suitable candidates were chosen, groomed, compromised and promoted.  Their masters parade them around at all the best places for all to see.  Agendas were set and the wars were planned.  There’s just one problem – only one can wield the crown.

The ‘West’ has been run by these banksters and the black bloodlines for centuries.  Washington DC, City of London, Amsterdam, Venice and ….back in time we go.  It was always thus and always it would be but…..but there are new monsters on the scene and they are the MotherWEFers.

Instead of debt they will enslave us in tech.  Digital money, digital ID’s, smart grids, embedded tech and stupid consumers (what else would you call sheep).  They have no use for the old money ways and hence the desire to destroy that system.  They also have no use for us.  Wars are messy so they’ll kill us quietly

The great money tree was falling at the end of 2019 so it was time to implement the ‘PLAN’. The great Coof-19 plandemic was the vector to get the clot shot adopted by the most trusting and stupid of the herd.  But we didn’t all buy it.  Between 20 and 30% of us did not, would not and will not comply.

An active 10% of any population is enough to overthrow the system.  Now we have a control group that was not meant to be.  A tide of fear and uncertainty is rising amongst the jabberwockied as the real ‘case’ numbers rocket.

Add that to the small fact that the old money ‘elites’ won’t go quietly.  Two power blocks that want the whole cake to themselves are going head to head.  Thankfully for us their power wanes and they cannot help but to undermine their own causes while attacking each other.

While these mongrels fight like dogs over the feed bowl the mantle of civilisation has moved East.  The high-water mark of their time is over and the tide recedes and all around us crumbles the cess pit of progressive modernism.  They can take their Satanic ideas with them to the pit.

Let this be a Happy New Year while it burns.  I’m under no illusion that these are the hard times that call for hard men.  Welcome to the apocalypse folks– the grand unveiling.  All shall now be known.  I don’t normally quote verse but feck it.

Ephesians 6:12

11 Put on the full armour of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore take up the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand.…

Happy Old New Year.  Lets make it a good one.


Thanks to feedback from Kathy here’s a little extra for thought.  I wish Gonzalo had shut up and let Tom compete his train of thought more.  It is long but thought provoking.

The warnings from Max Egan and others is that the elites are not the real danger.  They must not complete the creation of their digital AI grid as it will be self-sustaining.  

The work isn’t over but we should not let fear and doubt hold us back