Monday, 25 October 2010

A Rant in F Minor

The days pass as I seek out new offense –watching and watchful.

I see a daily conveyor belt theft of hearth and home. I see banking elites who dine on rare meats while the programmed minions are cast on the street – still pondering as to what they did wrong.

I see the beautiful souls who merely want the freedom to raise a child in the land of their ancestors - while cowards wield out-sized hammers to break them down in their homes and stamp out any witness.

What manner of world is it that we live in? When the rich make out like bandits while the beauty leeches from the heart of honest souls - watching any and all dreams turn to dust.

They fill our food and water with poison to make us stupid and to kill us slowly. At the same time they sell us their drugs to make it ‘better’. They make ‘vaccines’ to prevent phantom diseases while inflicting devastating illnesses – all to weaken the herd and guarantee a return revenue from their victims.

I see ‘schools’ built like shepherd’s pens – to corral the minds of the young. They feed the young minds with monotonous filth that slips into spotless minds the lies and filth. Such lies will serve them well as the serfs continue to serve well. Just clever enough to work the machines and dumb enough to enjoy it.

They lock in the credit reports and the fitness evaluations like prison guards. You will not escape us – you will bear the yoke we have given you. They remove this ‘privilege’ at a whim. You will lick their feet and rejoice in your shame.

The political process is a joke. No matter whom you vote for the government always gets in. The same shill bankers carry on and vet the little proles in advance. Fealty or blackmail will see to that. If they ever make a mistake the assassin’s mark will soon be felt.

Bear your ill spoiled brats – and leave then in front of our portal to view. All perversion is allowed – and expected. We will show it to you on TV. Give us your men folk so that we may subjugate the unwary. Watch our filth while we feast. What heroes we shall make of them. Useful Fools to a man.

Reject, refuse and rejoice in the chaos that must surely come. They can hide in their temples but not for long. Don’t just run around like a bunch of headless chickens. Find a cog in the machine and jam it. Pick a CCTV and paint spray it – kiddie water guns work wonders.

Inventive minds can find dozens of examples to make a mark. I will not bow to such slavery. Kiss my arse. I am a free born human and I say NO – NOT IN MY NAME. If you cannot say NO you are a slave - accept it or reject it. The time to choose is shorter than you think.

Remember the name Rothschild and leave not a solitary brick of this house standing. Our lives and the lives of our children depend on it.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Are you feeling it yet?

For many in the Blogging community this will be old news but I still feel the need to say it. The Banksters are a pack of lying, thieving vampires. No ifs or buts about it. They are the cancer in the heart of human society.

Since the artificial bubble popped and the ass fell out of the property market in 2008 hundreds of thousands of families have been evicted from their homes. Each time a family has been thrown out on the street a legal charade was performed. Each ‘legal’ action requires documentation and a proof of legal claim.

Well we now know differently. The banks’ actions have been a vile vaudeville act to distract us and lend the colour of law to blatant theft. A ‘booming’ business developed to process the huge numbers of lives to be ruined. This article will acquaint most with the list of culprits.

So called robo-signers processed up to 1000 claims per day. When the poor dears’ hands got tired their assistants would sign for them. To salve their fragile conscience they would receive bonuses of money, jewellery or even SUV’s. They did their jobs with such care to detail that they foreclosed on homes that were owned outright.

The disclosure of all this seems to have briefly brought the wrecking ball to a halt. Currently there are seemingly 7 million mortgages in the US that are in trouble. Can desperate homeowners breathe a sigh of relief?

Hot on the heels of all this Wall Street’s stalwart giants of the free market - free for them that is – have announced bumper profits. The banksters’ pay and bonuses are set to break all records for the second year running. The beasts of gluttony and greed must be be fed so I read today that Bank of Amerika has decided to press on anyway.

It seems Yo’mama grew a pair recently as he used his first ever veto to block an ‘overlooked’ little Bill from the CONgress. Maybe he dislikes the idea of being remembered as the last President of a dead republic. You silly people don’t need to examine the paperwork. You must trust the banks - or else.

At what stage will people realise that a handful of psychopaths are robbing their country - and them - blind. 7 million households face a one way ticket to the gutter. It will be too late when they are living in the new Hoovervilles. Writing to your representatives will not help – they’ve already been bought and paid for.

Over here in CCTV land things are starting to kick off. The appointed shill of the Banksters made an announcement today of sweeping budget cuts. Early estimates are for the loss of 490 thousand jobs. Coupled with this will be massive changes to the organisation of local and national government.

They have managed to find extra money for international aid and for ‘green’ energy – what a surprise. Right now the herd is in shock as the details sink in. When that happens there’s going to be a great big wave of anger coming their way. Buckle up, it’s going to get real interesting.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Mail Droppings

It’s funny how it goes. Open your gob and the lidless all-seeing eye turns your way. So be it. Read this and see if I care.

I generally say more on the sites of others than I do here. There are so many fine writers out there who share their deepest thoughts, hopes and fears. We, like voyeurs, read along. Sometimes we comment and sometimes we don’t. What a world.

I try to post when I can on the sites I like and respect. It’s a conversation after all. That‘s what we do... talk. We are a social beast and we will gather in packs of our own choosing.

I’ve been at a bit of a loss this week. I normally post my scribbles and check the box for updates. Well, that hasn’t been working. Other mail has simply vanished in transit. If I have missed a thread somewhere I apologise. In the scheme of things it’s not important and I’ll learn to work around it.

On a similar vein an unforeseen mailing dropped through the letterbox - a glossy booklet with an attached A4 pamphlet. It’s called “Barack Obama & the New World Order – a GLOBAL REVOLUTION”.

Bless my poor wife. She picked it up first and she got excited. Maybe the message is starting to reach out. The booklet mentions ‘Ordo ab Chao’, Secret societies, control of the media. ‘Change’, loss of sovereignty, the UN and the New World Order. It mentioned all sorts of things that we discuss online. In all that, one name was missing – can you guess which one?

I’m sure you’ll know the answer when I say who is named as to be the instigator behind all of this... (Drum roll please) - The Vatican!! WTF!! The tribe don’t get so much as a sniff, never mind a mention. This gem of ‘wisdom’ was published by the Christian Information Service in Norway of all places.

I went to their web site (beware - sanity warning...not for the gullible) and there are pages of this mumbo jumbo. Not one word of criticism of satan's
synagogue. They even included the quote from John 8:14 ‘ye are your father – The Devil’ without using the word Jew. What a pile of disinfo crap.

It seems like the blame game is getting an early start. I have seen a few places mention the ‘Operation Blackjack’ false flag operation that I wrote about back in August. This is one of them and at another we find the possibility of this hidden message - ‘this is not simply entertainment’. I have checked and that's what it says.

Just because many ‘normal’ people don’t believe in the hidden meanings so dear to the Occult Masonic types it does not remove the fact they do! While the tensions in the matrix hologram seem to be ratcheting up, strangely I’m feeling calmer. When it comes time to lance the boil of poison I will not have the Jesuits in the pole position of blame.



Wednesday, 6 October 2010

For Some, Good News.

There are frequently many more negative stories going around the net than positive. Daily we read of more horror and evil perceived, planned and performed against the body of humanity. Indeed a great storm approaches. We don’t have to be psychic at this stage to know that. Thankfully not all people have slept while the winds of war have steadily risen.

This week George Galloway won a court case to regain admittance to Canada. The Canadians have been under the shadow and power of the Jewish Defence League and their cohorts for many years. Their defeat and George’s success is a strong blow to their schemes. I also seem to recollect that the JDL are listed as a ‘terrorist organisation’ in the US. Here’s a little of vintage George to illustrate why they fear him.

I came across this particular clip while reading an article by Franklin Lamb. I’m not familiar with the writer’s other work but I took heart from it. Many of us here in the West would expect the people in Lebanon to live in fear of the threats from the world’s worst neighbours. They are in no doubt that the enemy will come. They also don’t sound as if they will wilt under the onslaught.

The positive I took from this was the steadfast way the people carry on life in the face of an enemy capable of terrible destruction. They have repeated faced a foe that we are told is ‘all powerful’, armed with all the high tech toys that makes their generals drool. Despite all that they repeated kicked their asses where it counts on the battlefield – up close and personal.

Israhell can drop their soulless robotic weapons safely (until now) from thousands of feet up or miles away. Airpower cannot win a land battle and the synagogue desperately wants the waters of the Litani River. Stealing Lebanon’s natural gas reserves is another powerful motive. Lastly we must not forget their malice and raw, burning desires for revenge.

Their reputation was built upon many years of deception, lies, propaganda, sneak attacks, false flags and on the terrorising of civilians – preferable as defenceless as possible. While Apache helicopters used ambulances for target practice, Hezbollah was wiping the floor with their ‘impervious’ Merkava tanks and the hapless ground pounders. The US kindly paid for both the hardware and for the trauma counselling of the survivors.

The ‘Party of God’ (PBUH) has shown us the secret to success – COURAGE.

Facing our fears and still carrying on is the measure of courage. That is what heroes are made from. It takes courage to face an advancing line of police thugs knowing what awaits just as it does to hunt tanks on foot – sometimes more so I feel. Take heart folks that the fear in our minds is more menacing than the real foes we face.

Lastly I would like to state that I am not a war monger. I noted to a friend today that I have been to more funerals than to weddings and Christenings combined. Each fallen fighter will leave behind a family and a void that cannot be filled. While I want the evil that is Israhell to pass into the pages of history I will leave on this
post from Noor

She writes of a jewish woman’s speech at the EU parliament. I would gladly break bread or share the hospitality of my home with this woman. To paint all with the same brush denies the humans souls in every race and land. I am also guilty of overlooking this reality. Remember well in the dark days ahead in fighting the devil that we do not caste him down to merely raise ourselves to his throne and become the evil we fight.

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Would the ‘Real’ IRA step forward

Lately I’ve been trying to catch up with my favourite bloggers and in doing so I came across a post over at Kenny’s Sideshow that made me sit up and pay attention. In essence it asks questions about the motivation behind the renewed interest in the paramilitary splinter group called the Real IRA.

Recently a ‘spokesman’ for the group has given an interview (in The Guardian of all places) saying that financial institutions, bankers and other economic targets are on their list of potential targets. I missed that article at the time but since then there have been similar pieces on the TV media also.

Since reading it I have been mulling over what my take on the recent surge in media coverage and I must agree with Kenny’s premise – that this has the stink of the dirty tricks branch of British Intelligence. Let me give you some background before I continue.

I was born and raised in Nationalist West Belfast and witnessed the recent ‘long war’ as a backdrop to my own growth and development. Supporting the Republican Movement’s struggle against the British state and their various minions was a natural response for me. I was a member of Sinn Fein for some years and was involved in many community campaigns.

I agreed with the announcement of the first ceasefire in August ’94 as a means to pursue a just and principled negotiated settlement. John Major – Mr Gray – was British PM at the time and successfully stymied all efforts to start open negotiations. The London Docklands bombing was the inevitable response. It took nearly 18 months and a new administration led by Tony ‘War Crimes’ Blair before a new ceasefire was announced. Irony indeed!

The Good Friday Agreement was signed in April ‘98 and ratified in May. I voted against the agreement for a number of reasons but I did not support the decision of many Republicans to fragment the Movement and form a break-away group. 2 months later I left my homeland and emigrated.

I can well understand the many Republicans that believed it is impossible to trust in any British Administration with their centuries’ long record of bad faith and loose interpretation of ‘constitutional’ politics and law –perfidious Albion after all. More than 10 years have passed and I feel they have been vindicated by the failure to implement any of the cross border institutions that were promised in the agreement.

Similarly the British have repeatedly suspended the Belfast Assembly on the personal whim of a British minister – illegally as the agreement was a binding international treaty between the sovereign nations of Ireland and Britain. At all times the Unionists have been able to dither, prevaricate and to stall the implementation of the agreement while maintaining many of their traditions and privileges unchanged.

I must admit that I have not kept in touch with this topic except in a superficial manner. For me the enlightening period occurred recently when responsibility for security and policing was planned to be handed over to local control. Since that time I have noticed a sudden upswing in the tempo of attacks by the IRA and their media coverage. Meanwhile power still resides in London.

Still reading or have you gone to sleep yet? My point in this rant is coming.

As much as I respect the motivations of many of the young men and women involved at this moment in time there is absolutely no justification to pursue this armed struggle. The conditions that gave rise to the popular uprising in 69/70 were stark, brutal and all other options had been exhausted.

When the ‘Real’ IRA spit they did so at a time of vast intelligence gathering by the British. They were subsequently subverted and in one fateful, brutal incident 29 people (including 9 children) were murdered in the Omagh Bombing. One victim was a pregnant woman expecting twins. The blame was laid at their door and that is what happens when the spooks control your organisation.

Now they talk about targeting banks, financial institutions and even the City of London. I see the word PATSY writ large in 100 foot high neon lights. The Irish struggle for independence has stretched through the ages. For as long as the money lenders have run England we have fought them without knowing it. They have ever used us as the laboratory for their plans of Empire.

This is not the fight for the IRA. If Irish Volunteers wish to fight and die against global banking tyranny they can do so as we have always done – in the right way. Follow the lead of others or start a new group for that very purpose. Not under the flag of popular Irish resistance to British rule but under the flag of humanity against a foe that would make cattle of us all.

Kenny was right. Arab patsies will be substituted for new Irish ones. Another generation of our people will feel the boot on their face and this time the nodding sheep will agree. The penny dropped today when I read this article. It set the stage in gory technical detail what some expect and hope for.

I don’t know if the boys used a FAE device that day or not. It is a dreadful weapon. Those that it doesn’t kill by blast, it kills by oxygen starvation. I feel that the stage is being set. Naive patriots are being led by the nose and the timing of their ‘success’ suggests that they are not working for their own people but ultimately against them.

As for the discussion of coordinated resistance against the PTB – the time for this sort of action is not yet ripe. The state wants violence so bad that it can smell the blood already. It has long since cooked the law books and trained its lackeys. We must starve them of that. Civil disobedience is the key. Only when they start killing us can we contemplate repaying the favour.

We, humanity, must fight smarter the devil that opposes us. The Irish struggle is but a part of a bigger picture. I fear that the recent developments in Dublin will bring many to their banner. The choice awaits us all – will we blindly strike out or will we use the brains in our heads. Any idiot can start a fight but it takes a wiser man to pick which fight to join.