Tuesday, 10 October 2023

The 1916 Effect - updated

Update - there was another 2 segments from Norman Finkelstein's interview.  Ballsy statements to boot

For both of you readers out there- sorry, nothing for months and then 2

Easter 1916 in Irish history was a watershed moment in my country’s history.  Irish rebels declared the creation of an Irish Republic and occupied strategic buildings – mostly in Dublin.  A siege broke out between Irish and British forces.  Artillery and even gun boats were used indiscriminately to shell Dublin and eventually the Irish surrendered.

The defeated Irish forces were marched through the wreckage of the city and ordinary civilians spat on them.  They were hated.  The British in their arrogance decided to sentence the rebels to the usual death sentence.  Instead of lining them all up and shooting them they executed 1 per day.  The wounded James Connolly was even strapped to a chair to be shot.

I mention this as the continuous drip by drip vengeance of the Brits, day by day, turned the tide.  By the time of its conclusion the war of liberation that followed was certain.  British vengeance seized defeat from victory.  My thinking follows on from Pickler’s question (this is not a dig at Pickler) in my earlier post today.  I am seeing vengeance porn all over the Western media at the minute.

There are small exchanges currently on the borders of Lebanon and Syria.  Iraqi and Yemeni militias are making noises of moving west.  The Middle Eastern governments still have no balls but their populations are under no illusions in their support.  To set the scene check out Norman Finkelstein on the Jimmy Dore show.

Israhelli government officials talk about turning Gaza into a tent city – between 1.8 - 2.1 million people - 50% children.  That’s more that the Northern Ireland population.  The bastards bombed the border crossing to Egypt to discourage humanitarian relief.  The footage was on Telegram – screaming civvies!!

Benny Nitwit Yahoo was deeply involved in the 911 op.  He used the ‘pearl harbour’ flag in his speech just like the PNAC document that led to the war of terror and invasion of the sand box.  These fuckers are going to slaughter the occupants of the last concentration camp.

There is a term I learned from Andrei Martyanov who has educated me a lot on modern war theory called escalation dominance – who is the big daddy and who determines the next step up.

Watch the Muslim Umma (world) as Jews exterminate Muslims in industrial quantities.  Drip by drip.  It was bad enough in the times of ‘Operation Caste Lead I and II’ plus the others since.  Israhell murders the Palestinians and the world won’t address it and moves on.

The ‘Kraine has shown the US/ZOG empire is a washed out bully.  Iran didn’t back down in 2020 after General Soleimani was murdered.  America blinked as the strike was as good – if not better than what they could do with outdated cruise missiles.

This is the 1916 effect.  Benny’s government is going to exterminate a huge number of the Gazans just to bury the political opposition, corruption investigation and the land deals when they are all dead or displaced. The built-in hatred of the Arab inhabitants is just garnish on top.

This is a Category 1 warning to all folks.  If this shit does not get calmed down the US is like likely to lose 1 or 2 Carrier Groups and every airbase within 2000 miles of Iran.  After that all bets are off.

As a human I stand with the Gazans.  I’ve been on the receiving end of government shit but this is biblical level stuff.  If this doesn’t get calmed down we go will go from the Apocalypse (unveiling) to the Armageddon (battle on the plains of Megiddo)

The dog that didn’t bark

 I was reading over at BCE’s place as usual this morning and Pickler had an interesting question “do you condone what Hamas did, and is doing to those women and children?”  A loaded but valid question.  This was my reply.

This is another false flag op to start a war with Iran and provoke Muslims worldwide to protest.  Israhell has tortured the Palestinian people for 70+ years.  People have no idea how that hatred has festered
Hamas is controlled opposition.  They were created by Mossad and imposed on the Gaza strip with the blessing of Jerusalem in 2006 in opposition to Fatah.  Soon after labelled a terrorist group and the strip sealed.  A 25 x 4 mile prison that is used as a live testing ground for new weapon systems like DIME.
The wall around their prison is electronically wired with sensors that can detect below surface digging.  A cat can’t approach that wall without an alarm being raised.  Were the IDF soldiers drugged as not one seemed to resist?
Benny Nitwit Yahoo seems beside himself with joy announcing a new ’Pearl Harbour’ event.  Sound familiar? 911 anyone?  Suddenly his corruption scandal goes away.  Never mind the poor meat sacks on both sides getting stiffed. 
I do not condone harming women and children.  By the same stakes I do not condone the 200+ children in Gaza murdered this year alone.  Nor the 15,000+ civilians murdered in the Donbas since 2014.  Western media is very selective in whom they want us to hate.

I understand how visceral the hate can be of the ‘other’.  How you feel when members of your community are murdered by those of the ruling community – just because they don’t ‘belong’.

I watched a lot of video on Telegram and frankly some of it was sickening. If you lock someone in a cage, torture and murder them and their kin that’s the outcome you will get.  

I’ve seen it first hand when Michael Stone was caught.  So many wanted him dead they couldn’t get the job done properly. 

Max Egan did a good video touching on the current situation in Gaza with a good recap of the last 20 years of their torment.

In a wider context we see the hegemon changing the story from their defeat in Ukraine.  They want a war with Iran so bad their balls hurt.  Similarly the Western countries have endured large invasions of Muslins.  All it needs is kindling and Europe’s cities will burn – just like France this summer.

The global mountain of debt is on its last legs and a scape goat must be found.  Russia was meant to be on its last legs by now.  The empire must smash Iran to open up Russia’s southern border and to show that ZOG can still dominate.

That boat has definitely sailed.  Iran’s pin point retaliation after the murder of General Soleimani in 2020 was a small taste of what fate the empire’s assets would receive.  Be careful what you ask for.  Empire's other predictions have worked so well lately (NOT)

I seem to recall Albert Pike’s infamous letter to Giuseppe Mazzini back in 1871

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam and political Zionism mutually destroy each other.

Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion... We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.

This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,   

Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?