Queen LizardBeard of England went to Ireland and first on the agenda was a wee jig on the graves of Irish Martyrs. I certainly didn’t miss the meaning of that one. It’s way too early to call that one over lizzy baby.
Pepsi are deliberately using aborted foetal tissue to develop artificial sweeteners. They know all about it but still carry on searching for the fast buck and the mighty profit line. If we needed any further truth that the global corporatocracy we all are enslaved by is a Satanic cult this surely is it.
The Israhelli’s are merrily murdering the true semitic people of the holy lands. Business as usual for Rothschild’s demons. Cannily they are keeping the daily dead body count on the low side so as not to give the game away. We can’t have the obese talent shows fans out there stirring their conscience too much can we. Pass the Pepsi. Next
Sammy Bin Hidin’s dead again. Like some steroid and LSD fuelled remake of ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’ someone's rotten corpse got dragged out for a burial at seas… enough said.
I see al-CIA-duh managed to destroy Pakistan’s entire sub hunting capability with the burning of their newly refurbished P3 Orion aircraft. Spot quiz for the readers. Which bunch of nuclear armed psychos has taken to playing with their new (free – absolutely gratis) German subs in the Arabian Sea recently? Uncanny timing don’t you think?
I also see the ramp up to the occult zionist power love fest – or the London Olympics in 2012 if you prefer. Is it just me or does the main logo (apart from spelling zion – complete with a dotted I) look like badly pixelated porno? You decide. Also check out the CCTV tellytubby mascots – complete with ‘All Seeing Eye’ headpiece.
I had a dream recently where Benny NitwitYahoo was a misunderstood and cuddly guy – WTF!!! I also find myself getting all misty eyed for seemingly innocuous reasons. I think I have Pre Traumatic Stress Disorder. I know and can see exactly what’s coming and it’s causing me nightmares.
I’m away for a break for a few days soon – not that it will affect my rate of posting (grin). There is so much going on in the real world that it helps to stand away from the keyboard and live a little.
Don’t start the revolution without me.
We won't. Great post!
ReplyDeleteThanks Timster. I haven’t really been pulling my weight of late.
ReplyDelete"I see al-CIA-duh managed to destroy Pakistan’s entire sub hunting capability with the burning of their newly refurbished P3 Orion aircraft. Spot quiz for the readers. Which bunch of nuclear armed psychos has taken to playing with their new (free – absolutely gratis) German subs in the Arabian Sea recently? Uncanny timing don’t you think?"
ReplyDeleteYes, chuckyman, uncanny timing!
One of those convenient coincidences...
But wait, I am not a coincidence theorist!
C it is going to get bad and some places are going to burn from one end to the other. Those of us in UKplc will get the usual extreme travel restrictions and rationing. We usually start it by declaring war, that's the signal for lock down. Those that have made it known they can see the trainwreck coming and who's behind it all will get Helen Duncaned. Ye be a witch!!!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your break C.
Thank you Penny and thank you for dropping by. I really don’t deserve the readers that I have.
ReplyDeleteI needed a laugh. Coincidence theorist – what a part timer (grin)
You have excellent instincts for these things. I was thinking of you as I wrote that. That one has lots of horrible game play for all of us. Everyone in the gatekeeper pipeline is talking about false flags in the US. I doubt it as they cannot afford it any more.
If you imagine the old cold war scenarios of first strike forces and counter strike retaliation then you realise that the Pakistani nation stands naked to the wind…
A.P. has had some outstanding analysis of why the US wants to gut the Pakistani nation’s defence capability. The Rothschild’s are very strong in India. How did these nations get the bomb in the first place?
All things are set in place long before the effects you and I will see. There are rituals and other considerations before the play works out but I see an imbalance.
You and I are talking about such things before they happen. That – in my opinion – is part of the solution. Everything on the web is recorded. There is no more clean slate to butcher the innocent. We know and talk about their actions daily.
Pop a nuke and the InterWeb knows it. If they can lock down the web – and they can very easily – then all bets are off.
The Internet as we know it is in its last days. ‘Cyber’ whatever will be the excuse.
Dig in.
There it is Incoming and so be it. It won’t be the first time (grin). Some of us have practise don’t you know?
ReplyDeleteOne of the things absent from modern existence is the fact that life is worth living but it is also worth losing. The right thing to do will not change. There’s just fewer of us that recognise that fact.
I don’t hope for it but I am aware of it. The time for exit strategies has passed. Escape to where?
My countrymen sold their souls – and for what? The hidden city can lord it over them again – yes boss, no boss. Most of them don’t even see the bars of their prison.
Ce la vie et la guerre.
We both know where we stand.
Great post Chuckyman. I needed the smiles. :) Nice catch on the Zion/Olympic logo. I don't know about the porno thing (I am trying to imagine...) but it is but ugly.
ReplyDeleteHey Chuckyman,..."Pepsi are deliberately using aborted foetal tissue to develop artificial sweeteners." WTF? I was stunned like mullet when I read this; blood rite fruitcakes, let's get out the bull-horn and shame that shill jones.
ReplyDeleteI was going to Post a story showing chinese and japanese rich folks dining on cooked foetuses - truly, I have the goods on this satanic horror story, I sat in a catatonic fug of swirling stars of david for about twenty minutes when I first saw the picks of a fat fuck chinese businessman chowing-down on a roasted foetus.
It is a huge issue and NO-ONE is covering it. Also, youtube has been masking but not removing vids of pretty young japanese girls in mini-skirts, pantyhose and high-heels stomping live baby bunnies until they are just a messy smeared splodge on a tiled floor!
Tell me again why a passive response will precipitate a peaceful victory over these monsters?
Excellent Post.
N.B. Hey Pen' "I am not a coincidence theorist!" Nor am I, haaaargh!
"Queen LizardBeard of England went to Ireland and first on the agenda was a wee jig on the graves of Irish Martyrs."
ReplyDeleteYeah, and the fake bomb plot as a fanfare was a nice touch, i thought.
Thanks Timster. I haven’t really been pulling my weight of late.
You have my sympathy, Chuck. But are you sure this is the place to be airing your personal issues?
ReplyDelete"Israel unloaded several white phosphorus bombs on Gaza in April (2011)" J.Azaziah
My question: Is "israel" completely fucking barking-mad CRAZY to be killing Gaza children in front of the whole world?
Fact: the country of "israel" IS a false flag. Their flag is the criminal goldsmith Bauer's red shield. The "country" of Rothschildlandia is as false as the Balfor "declaration" paper written and paid for by false-jew Khazarian Ashkenazis. This "country" is as fake as a three dollar bill.
It is time to end the fakery, the madness, the murder.
Dissolve "israel" before it samsonises the whole world as they did 9/11. Put Nathan and his whole criminal klan in prison (sic).
Press restart and begin the civilised world again - without any usury or any fraction reserve banking. There is no other way - the system can never be fixed as it presently exists. Corruption exists at every single level in every single governing body in every single country everywhere in the world.
If you love your children, if you love life, the above MUST occur worldwide!
Thanks McJ. What can I say? Benefits of a mis-spent youth?
ReplyDeleteHowdy V. I have heard of that one. Just when we think that events can’t get any sicker we get slapped with some new depravity.
ReplyDeleteLOL James. That mis-spent youth again?
ReplyDeleteI completely agree Mouser.
ReplyDeleteIn the spirit of the great Irish Poet William Butler Yeats
ReplyDeleteI can do this too!
The protocols make no mistake are some gigantic plot
brought to you steadily and tirelessly by some gentile bot
We are daily traumatized and unquestionably victimized
It is a 24/7 job for all of us to keep this thing sanitized
Don't furl your brow and worry your vaccine soaked heads
Just go shopping girls, watch lady Gaga and take your meds
Shunting the lies aside we ,have nothing to do with the fluoride
It is a mystery to us concerning the degradation and suicide
We refuse and do not accept any vaccinations or to be drafted
We most happily bank the gold our artisans have slyly crafted
It is amazing how cowardly you are, and what your dollar buys
Only a couple of our bad ones behind this, don't believe your eyes
Happy families and smiling faces are not what we plan for you
We'll take you down and bring in replacements stupider than you
Back in early America in the old west you were not such a coward
Your trust is blind and you keep turning your back on Mr. Howard
So keep rapping and banging, doce do and think you are free
We just laugh and deny, these protocols are made for you and me
You outdid yourself DM. At this rate you’ll be giving Neil a run for his money (grin).
ReplyDeleteHi chucky,
ReplyDeleteanother great post , and always worth the wait :)It's getting all too much and the 2012 logo is so suss..and obvious.
what are they planning for then?
That thought alone gives me PTSD
I understand the need to have a break..
So have a good one, and see you back here and keep up the good fight..
Cheers A13
"If you imagine the old cold war scenarios of first strike forces and counter strike retaliation then you realise that the Pakistani nation stands naked to the wind…"
ReplyDeleteIt sure does.
I had such an apologist on my blog for the US. More or less saying Pakistan is over their head and should just lay down for the US to roll on over it.
Not realizing that China is not interested in having them at their door either.
take care chuckyman
oh and btw things continue on in Syria.
and on and on
Hi A13 and Penny. I’m away and the internet connection is weaker than a wet piece of string – 20 minutes to check mail and open blogger page!
ReplyDeleteHi there Anon. Khalezov’s video is fascinating viewing. He also states the same nuclear demolition mechanism was put in place for the Sears tower in Chicago.
ReplyDeleteI think anyone that has taken the time to look at the events of that day and the others since know that mass murder was committed that day and not by the designated pasties.
I read recently that the way forward to get the real answers is to press for a grand jury indictment. Only then with a real investigation can we hope to expose the true mechanism in the destruction of 3 skyscrapers and the events at the Pentagram (deliberate spelling).