Here is an important article from John Kaminski’s site and is reposted with his permission.
Helen Thomas and Elena Kagan
Liars get rewarded, truthtellers get destroyed; Americans witness the penalty for honesty
9th August 2010
This is the story of two women. One told the truth and her life was destroyed. The other one lied and was rewarded with the highest honor of her so-called profession.
For an astonishing 67 years, Helen Thomas set the standard for consistency and honesty among journalists covering the White House, so much so that after many years she was always given the privilege of asking the first question at all presidential press conferences. Regard for her work was so high that a plaque with her name on it was attached the front row seat she always occupied.
It took only one chance encounter and one candid phrase for this legendary reporter to lose her career and her professional standing -- because she told the truth.
A rabbi with with a camcorder ambushed her on the way to a function in Washington, and asked her: "Any comments on Israel?"
With her usual candor, Thomas responded, "Tell 'em to get the hell out of Palestine."
The rabbi went "Oooh!" Thomas continued. "Remember, these people are occupied; it's their land." The rabbi asked, "So where should they go?"
"They should go home," Thomas retorted, "to Poland, Germany, America, and everywhere else." Rabbi David S. Nesenoff later posted the video clip on his website,, stating that 6 million Jews had been killed at home (the 6 million myth has long since been debunked) and questioning Thomas's ability to write or report on anything without bias. The ensuing Jewish clamor forced Thomas to resign from her job, and apologize to Jews everywhere for simply telling the truth of what, after 50 years of reporting the news in a remarkably unbiased way, she felt.
Exactly the opposite happened in the case of Elena Kagan, the lesbian Jewish lawyer who was recently confirmed by Congress as the newest Supreme Court justice, despite being embroiled in another media firestorm (this one suppressed by the Jewish media) over the lies she had told involving a previous case before the Supreme Court involving partial birth abortion. These lies, however, were overlooked both by Congress and the media, and Kagan, who lies, is now a member of the highest court of the land, while Thomas, who tells the truth, is out of work.
Nothing in recent history more vividly describes the pathetic political condition of truth in America today. People who lie to support the evil plans of the Jewish powers that be get ahead; those who try to warn people about these plans and issues lose their livelihood, if not their lives.
The group Grassfire Nation wrote: "How Kagan Manipulated Science To Promote Abortion"
"We now know that Elena Kagan corrupted a scientific finding that was presented before the Supreme Court. Her corruption caused the Supreme Court to rely on faulty science and extend the brutal practice of partial-birth abortion for many years.
"Kagan's corruption of evidence exposes her as a far-left political activist whom former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop says is unfit for the Supreme Court."
Here is the proof, her HAND-WRITTEN memo!
Kagan made matters worse by lying to the Judiciary Committee about her role in manipulating scientific evidence. But she didn't suffer for these lies; she profited from them. She obfuscated her role in the matter by deceiving senators at her confirmation hearing, insisting she did not have the power to change medical evidence, when a note in her handwriting proving that very act was seen by all involved. Kagan engaged in a conspiracy to alter scientific findings, then lied about it under oath, yet was appointed to the Supreme Court of the United States.
To amplify the hypocrisy at work in this case and in American politics in general, Elena Kagan's time as dean of Harvard Law School, 2003-09, revealed that she was a prominent homosexual activist, advocating "queer legal theory," establishing the "Lesbian Gay Bi Transgender Law Clinic, and offering courses that advocated polygamy, sadomasochism and sex with children.
Other than the obvious hypocrisy involved in both of these events, this sorry episode in U.S politics has two deeper aspects that dumbed-down Americans need to attempt to comprehend. The first is the manipulative trend of making a virtue out of perversion under the deceptive guise of compassion for the unfortunate and oppressed; the second is the longevity of subterranean Jewish control of the United States, which has debilitated the American populace for more than a hundred years. Both trends are directly responsible for the destruction of this once-great nation.
If you can perceive the unjust and hypocritical aspects of these two rather minor but connected events, perhaps you can begin to perceive the same pattern of Jewish-created falsehood that has plagued America throughout its history, but particularly since the beginning of the 1900s.
Going backwards in time, most people already realize that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in which so many Americans have uselessly given their lives have not profited Americans one bit; they have profited Israel and the Jewish bankers, who are the real owners of the USA. These phony wars were made possible by the phony attack on 9/11, which is now known for certain to have been the work of Jewish bankers controlling the White House. And when you take it further back than that, and read some of the suppressed authors who tried to tell you what was really going on but were either killed or imprisoned, you discover that all the wars of the 20th century, and the centuries before that, were all engineered by Jewish bankers who almost always controlled both sides of every conflict through their manipulative mastery of money.
Yet, due to the mindlock imposed on the populations of all countries by Jewish control of money, media, medicine, the law, governments and education, ordinary people refuse to believe these facts, because their entire lives have been squandered consuming deceptive information about these events which is always produced by Jews.
Kagan is the second Jewish homosexual in a row appointed by President Barack Obama to the Supreme Court (Sonia Sotomayor being a Marrano Jew, and Obama himself and his chief adviser Rahm Emanuel both being linked to an infamous gay bathhouse in Chicago). This official but somewhat subterranean endorsement of homosexuality by the Washington elite pleases only a very small segment of American demographics, but, along with pornography and drug use, is being inculcated into the minds of American young people as acceptable behavior to further advance the goal of the Jewish elite that controls practically the entire world, at this point. This goal is clearly the destruction of the American family system, which made this country great, once upon a time. Now all this is being destroyed in a calculated way, so that Americans can never recover from this insidious Jewish takeover of the whole world.
Since Kagan is definitely the fourth Jewish justice now sitting on the Supreme Court (and due to deception, the number might actually be higher), the message being sent to all Americans is that Jews are superior to everyone else, and that corruption and lying are tolerated, and will actually lead to social and business success if you just participate in the lie.
The Helen Thomas character assassination shows everyone who hears the story that objective truth is not the way to get ahead in this utterly corrupt society run by Jews at all levels, and that not challenging the Jewish mindlock -- which means not challenging the Jewish predisposition to mass murder of those they don't like on the basis of the lies they tell -- is the required method to "getting ahead" and maintaining your financial independence, or even being able to hold a job.
This Jewish influence has polluted America and turned it into a den of liars, thieves and perverts, and because the non Jews of the U.S. and all other nations prefer to feel sorry for the "poor jews" who suffered in a Holocaust that never happened, their futures -- both collectively and individually -- are about to be terminated with extreme prejudice.
And still, despite the avalanche of evidence and because of the power of Jewish media, these hapless cowards will go quietly to their graves feeling sorry for the "poor Jews" who have killed them.
NOAHide court. They will be down to three on plan.
ReplyDeleteThe stage of subtle manipulation has passed don’t ya think?
ReplyDeleteOh yes C the Pripyet Marshes jackboots will be stamping on our faces soon. That's what inhabits the Rothschild Corporate Entity operating out of Tel Aviv
ReplyDeleteBut a good steel toe capped booting in the crotch will deal with them locally.
They are only tools of you know what I mean.
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ReplyDeleteIt’s always good DM, to remind folks of some of the demons that consider them as cattle on their ranch.
ReplyDeleteThe Israeli they caught in Atlanta was just about to board a plane for Tel Aviv. If he had made it a film would have been out within the week showing Osama personally handing him the knife, with the phrase carved on the handle, go and kill my son..
ReplyDeleteOf course the assailant would have turned out to be Osama's son, Mohammed Bin Lying Laden who was last seen diving over the railing of the Mavi Marmara into the sea just as Israeli IDF was boarding the ship.
Chucky I can't post anymore at VT. I don't know what it is.
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