Just a thought folks to keep in mind in regards to these last few days of “disruption”. The Hegelian dialectic is described as thus: Problem – Reaction – Solution.
The problem of a volcanic eruption > caused a reaction of closing European airspace. Let’s see what solution is proposed. Always remember cui bono - who benefits?
Study note. Many of us are aware of plans for the coming massive planetary disruption in the 2011-2012 time period. A little early softening up maybe or something more mundane???
Try this one for size while you ponder.
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ReplyDeleteThat was the wrong link Chucky, this is the right one.
ReplyDeleteGerman troops want Merkel to explain to them why they are in Afghanistan.
My apologies DM. I will post my opinion when I have had a time to read these properly. An early scan of Duff’s article reveals an author of talent.
ReplyDeleteThanks DM. That was an excellent article by Gordon Duff. I have bookmarked his column.
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ReplyDeleteThe first time I read that I was really impressed. Finally one of the tribe had come out to expose the rot in the fabric of power. Since then I have become somewhat credulous. Was he merely boasting? The Elites are bound by “the rules” to publically announce their plans. I still err on the side of believing that he was genuine in his condemnation.
ReplyDeleteI remember DM that you recently posted this link elsewhere from Kaminski. I think it nails it on the head. Especially in light of Makow’s delight in pointing the finger of blame for the Polish regime change at Russia. It’s way too early to tell on that one – it smelt more like the usual alphabet agencies for me.
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ReplyDeleteIt would be lovely if the Elites great plans get upset by this. I can only hope. Poland’s past seems to be littered with poor (Rothschild led) leadership decisions. We now know their latest preferred puppet.
ReplyDeleteAfter watching my countrymen bend to the will of the Soviet Socialist States of Europe, prayer might be a bad idea after all.
I am getting a lot of this lately.
ReplyDeleteNew Google bug out which they have never even heard of. Anybody know what it is?
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This idea of western civilization is a noble idea, perhaps someday we will achieve it. It looks now however too many westerners are too ill informed and cowardly for it to survive in any meaningful existence.
ReplyDeleteI am getting quite a bit of this lately.
New Google bug out which they have never even heard of. Anybody know what it is?
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If is any consolation I could not post anything on my own blog last night. Nothing I tried at this end made any difference.
ReplyDeleteI don't know but I have found Blogger to being difficult at times. I have had that message off and on for a few months Mick. I stopped fighting it and just go away for awhile and when I return it is fixed. Someone got in at my Snippits and made it so I could not post, the edit page was useless and I had to sneak in to my own account because the straightforward approach did not work.
ReplyDeleteBasically I had to almost do a reformat to get it working again as it should. Strange thing is that it never effected my Smiles Blog at all.
I have learned if I cannot post something... to put it to Office Word and revisit the item later. CHucky thanks for your notes on my blog. I just wanted to say, I have to finish up this piece, Part 2 and then I have something you might find interesting regarding the creation of the Wahabbi sect. Just wanted to say also, the Saudis are of Jewish origin and we know these creatures change their outer spots but retain their corruption within. The acknowledged first Saudi came from Baghdad, traveling to the desert lands under false pretenses and eventually betraying every innocent he met to gain power. Hmmm some things do not change. Anyhow I found the diary of the Brit who organized much of the crap we deal with now, and plan to put it straight up after this. When I found it it was in both English and Arabic. I had a few Arabic friends look it over and not one had a single word to change anything so I figure it rings true despite the usual "hoax" comments that get flung at other unpopular whistle blowing texts.
The links I had on the Saudis have .. surprise surprise disappeared. The librarian who made this information public died a very unpleasant death within days btw. Anyhow ,... been a long day... almost bed time ... and I have not done a word of posting today. cheers to you both!
Thank you Noor. I will look forward to the further instalments.