I came across a great article by Susan Lindauer that Kev Boyle had reprinted.
As I briefly touched on in a previous post the public perception of the bombing of Pan AM flight 103 over Lockerbie in Scotland is that Gaddafi ordered it. Libya suffered under years of sanctions and one of the conditions to end them was to hand over 2 men for a prolonged show trial at The Hague.
WRONG. As usual it was the world’s largest drug smugglers, the CIA, covering their arses as only they can – killing all the witnesses. Here’s a section of the article.
On the day it was blown out of the sky, Pan Am 103 was carrying that team of CIA and FBI investigators, the CIA's Deputy Chief assigned to Beirut, and three Defense Intelligence officers, including McKee and Gannon, on their way to Washington to deliver a report on the CIA's role in heroin trafficking, and the impact on terrorist financing and the hostage crisis. In short, everyone with direct knowledge of CIA kickbacks from heroin trafficking died on Pan Am 103. A suitcase packed with $500,000 worth of heroin was found in the wreckage. It belonged to investigators, as proof of the corruption.
Read the full article here.
If you have wrapped your head around that mind job here’s an open letter from a team of Russian Doctors working in Libya. It was posted by Michel Chossudovsky over at his Global Research site. I recommend keeping this in mind while the war porn plays out on screen.
Open letter of Russian doctors in Libya to the President of the Russian Federation
Today, there is blatant external aggression of USA and NATO against a sovereign country - Libya. And if anyone can doubt this, then we say this obvious fact is well known, because all this is happening before our eyes, and the actions of U.S. and NATO threaten the lives of not only the citizens of Libya, but to us who are on its territory. We are outraged by the barbaric bombing of Libya, which is currently carried out by a coalition of U.S. and NATO.
The bombing of Tripoli and other cities in Libya is aimed not only at the objects of air defense and Libya's Air Force and not only against the Libyan army, but also the object of military and civilian infrastructure. Today, 24 March 2011, NATO aircraft and the U.S. all night and all morning bombed a suburb of Tripoli - Tajhura (where, in particular, is Libya's Nuclear Research Center). Air Defense and Air Force facilities in Tajhura were destroyed back in the first 2 days of strikes and more active military facilities in the city remained, but today the object of bombing are barracks of the Libyan army, around which are densely populated residential areas, and next to it - the largest in Libya's Heart Centers. Civilians and the doctors could not assume that common residential quarters will be about to become destroyed, so none of the residents or hospital patients was evacuated.
Bombs and rockets struck residential houses and fell near the hospital. The glass of the Cardiac Center building was broken, and in the building of the maternity ward for pregnant women with heart disease a wall collapsed and part of the roof. This resulted in ten miscarriages whereby babies died, the women are in intensive care, doctors are fighting for their lives. Our colleagues and we are working seven days a week, to save people. This is a direct consequence of falling bombs and missiles in residential buildings resulting in dozens of deaths and injuries, which are operated and reviewed now by our doctors. Such a large number of wounded and killed, as during today, did not result during the total of all the riots in Libya. And this is called "protecting the civilian population"?
With full responsibility as witnesses and participants of what is happening, we state that the United States and its allies are thus carrying out genocide against the Libyan people - as was the case in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq. Crimes against humanity, carried out by coalition forces akin to those crimes committed by the fathers and grandfathers of today's Western leaders and their henchmen in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan and in Dresden in Germany, where civilians were also being destroyed in order to deter, to break the will of the people to resist (Germany remembers it, and therefore refused to participate in this new slaughterhouse). Today they want in such ways to make the Libyan people surrender their leader and the legitimate government and meekly lay down their national oil wealth for the countries of the coalition.
We understand that applying to the "international community" to save the people of Libya and we were living in Libya, is useless. Our only hope - is Russia that has the right of veto in the UN, and specifically its leaders - the President and the Prime Minister.
We still hope for you, as hoped in the past, when we took the decision to stay in Libya, and to help its people, medical duty playing its role in the first place. After an abortive coup attempt in late February, the situation calmed down in Libya and the government had successfully restored order. To everyone in Libya, it was clear that without American intervention the country would soon return to normal life. Convinced that Russia, which has veto power, would not allow the aggression of the United States and its allies, we decided to stay in Libya, but were mistaken: Russia, unfortunately, believed the false assurances of Americans and did not oppose the criminal decision of France and the U.S.
We are Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians, the people of various professions (mainly doctors), working in Libya for more than a year (from 2 to 20 years). During this time, we became well acquainted with the life of the Libyan people and state with few citizens of other nations living in this social comfort, as the Libyans. They are entitled to free treatment, and their hospitals provide the best in the world of medical equipment.
Education in Libya is free, capable young people have the opportunity to study abroad at government expense. When marrying, young couples receive 60,000 Libyan dinars (about 50,000 U.S. dollars) of financial assistance.
Non-interest state loans, and as practice shows, undated. Due to government subsidies the price of cars is much lower than in Europe, and they are affordable for every family. Gasoline and bread cost a penny, no taxes for those who are engaged in agriculture.
The Libyan people are quiet and peaceful, are not inclined to drink, and are very religious. Today, the people are suffering. In February, the peaceful life of the people was violated by gangs of criminals and insane drugged youth - whom the Western media for some reason called "peaceful demonstrators". They used weapons and attacked police stations, government agencies, military units - resulting in bloodshed. Those who direct them, pursue a clear objective - to create chaos and establish control over Libya's oil. They misinformed the international community, and said that the Libyans are struggling against the regime. Tell us, who would not like such a regime? If such a regime were in Ukraine or Russia, we would not have been here and worked and enjoyed the social comfort at home in our own countries and in every possible way such a regime would be maintained.
If the U.S. and the EU today have nothing to do, let them turn their attention to the plight of Japan, the Israeli bombing of Palestine, the audacity and impunity of Somali pirates, or the plight of Arab immigrants in France, and leave the Libyans themselves to sort out their internal problems. We see that today in Libya they want to do another Iraq. Carrying out the genocide of an entire people and those who are found with him. We perform MEDICAL DEBT and cannot leave Libyans alone in trouble, leaving them to be destroyed by the forces of the coalition, in addition, we understand that when all the foreigners leave and no one will tell the truth (the small staff of diplomatic missions have long been silenced), the Americans will arrange here a bloodbath. Our only chance of survival - is a solid civil position of Russia in the UN Security Council.
We hope that you, Mr. President, and you, Mr. Prime Minister, as citizens of Russia and as decent people will not allow American and European fascists of the 21st century to destroy the freedom-loving people of Libya and of those who today turned out to be with them.
We therefore urgently request that Russia uses its right of veto, the right earned by millions of lives of the Soviet people during World War II to stop the aggression against a sovereign state, to seek immediate cessation of U.S. and NATO bombing campaign and to demand the introduction of African Union troops in the conflict zone Libya.
Note: The African Union Peace & Security Council delegates that had been accepted by both the Libyan government and the rebel leaders to mediate a peaceful solution between the various parties, were refused entry into Libya by the UN Security Council. This act should have been reprimanded by Russia and China, who should study the AU resolutions, mandate and support its wise decisions]
With Respect and Hope
Your Wisdom and Honesty,
Citizens of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, located in Libya;
Bordovsky S., Vasilenko, S., Vegerkina A., Henry IV, Henry H., L. Grigorenko, DraBragg, A., Drobot V. Drobot, N., Yemets E., Kolesnikova, T., Kuzin, I., Kuzmenko, B., Kulebyakin V. Kulmenko T., Nikolaev AG, Papelyuk V. Selizar V. Selizar About . Smirnov, O. Smirnova, R., Soloviev DA, Stadnik VA, Stolpakova T. Streschalin G. Stakhovich Yu, Sukacheva L. Sukachev V. Tarakanov, T., Tikhon N. Tikhonov VI, Tkachev AV, Hadareva E., Tchaikovsky, O., Chukhno D. Chukhno O. Yakovenko D. et al
Thursday, 31 March 2011
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Telling The Truth
I’ve seen this video on the sites of Veritas6464, Mr Friend and Kev Boyle. It really is too good to miss.
I also came across this effort from George Galloway.
While I am not endorsing either man their words make for compelling argument against the current atrocity underway in Libya.
I also came across this effort from George Galloway.
While I am not endorsing either man their words make for compelling argument against the current atrocity underway in Libya.
Saturday, 19 March 2011
A Loose Word From The Spooks
I’ve been hand-cuffed to the corporate rat race for the last few weeks and frankly could not raise the energy to write anything meaningful. My multi-part piece on the ‘Big Picture’ is still in the pipeline. Unfortunately the blood required to flesh out its bones was wasted elsewhere. Here are a few attempts by my monkey mind to make sense of the last few weeks.
I came across an article from Gordon Duff over at Veterans Today. In it he makes a lot of assumptions about the current game play in Libya that rang a bell for me. Gordon is an old hand spook who swims in the spook swamp. I said it before that I like his stuff but you must take everything online with healthy dose of salt.
Gordon essentially discusses the familiar dynamic power play between blocs of ‘the elite’– the Atlantic (Britain and the US) bloc versus the pan European bloc. He places Tony Blair in the Atlanticist group but he makes a telling inclusion in the pan-European group ie the Swiss. Most people don’t discus the Swiss, they make clocks and chocolate don’t they? As A.P. might say;

This was the one haven in Europe during WWII did not get invaded and it had nothing to do with the fear of their armed population. Their army gets the exclusive honour of guarding the chief sorcerer in the Vatican – coincidence?
The Swiss do one thing only – banking! Their main source of revenue is banking! It is the hidey hole of the Rothschilds. Any time anyone has the balls to point at the Swiss they are talking about the Rothschilds. If the invisible elephant in the room represents the power of the jewish lobby then the Rothschilds are the invisible T Rex.
Does anyone remember when Libya blew up that Gadaffi’s son called in his loyalty cards with the Brits? Tony was embarrassed and so many in the think tanks didn’t realise they had been hobnobbing with a heinous camel jockey? Apologies to real camel jockeys while I plead poetic license.
No one complained when the oil money was getting spread around the Tavistock circuit. Gadaffi junior was also good friends with Peter (now Lord) Mandelson - fixer for his holiday buddy Nat Rothschild.
Mandelson is a truly creepy man who revels in the nickname of the ‘Prince of Darkness’. He resigned from public office twice in disgrace. Yet ‘somehow’ he returned from the dark corridors of power to become the kingmaker to preserve Gordon Brown and the last British government. Here’s a titbit from a British tabloid via the truthseeker’s site.
So Gordon Duff thinks it’s the French, Italians and Israhell working against the Brits and the US. Refer back to the picture above that I ‘borrowed’ from A.P. Israhell is a Rothschild creation and plaything. They are so dug into the woodwork in Britain that the only way to get them out again would entail blowtorches – a warming thought (grin).
The Roth’s have played the jewish community like a fiddle. They promote the most rabid of attack dogs to run it for them. One slipped through the control matrix and tried to run it his way. He was soon silenced – research the Rabin assassination and the lousy cover-up.
Both sides are seen to be played against the middle because the same hands pull everyone’s strings. In this fake engineered crisis we now see the imposition of a humanitarian ‘no fly zone’ - WTF. Any humanitarian mission enforced by war planes is akin to fucking for virginity – the end results are identical for the people on the receiving end.
The death and destruction of real human life is inconsequential to these psychopathic monsters. Power plays and business as usual are the result. They are always looking to get one over on their rivals. They consider us as little better than bugs in the corporate compost heap.
The ‘elites’ remind me of the plot from the film Men in Black. Lots of dead bodies and mayhem caused so that some alien royal family could get their galaxy back. The camera pans back at the end of the movie. It show the galaxy used in a token in a game of marbles before being tucked into a purse with other marbles.
‘Payback is a bitch’ is the old saying. I prefer ‘Karma‘s a killer’. The bill is due and the Ides’ of March were the downfall of a previous Empire. This new slaughter may be ‘legal’ but only in the eyes of their pet lawyers. We know the truth and intend to make them pay. Their funny money will not be acceptable.
PS. This may not be the best way or time to praise another blogger but I thoroughly recommend the recently completed 3 part series from James over at Winter Patriot. Excellent analysis.
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3.
Remember Israhell = Rothschild.
I came across an article from Gordon Duff over at Veterans Today. In it he makes a lot of assumptions about the current game play in Libya that rang a bell for me. Gordon is an old hand spook who swims in the spook swamp. I said it before that I like his stuff but you must take everything online with healthy dose of salt.
Gordon essentially discusses the familiar dynamic power play between blocs of ‘the elite’– the Atlantic (Britain and the US) bloc versus the pan European bloc. He places Tony Blair in the Atlanticist group but he makes a telling inclusion in the pan-European group ie the Swiss. Most people don’t discus the Swiss, they make clocks and chocolate don’t they? As A.P. might say;

Sorry A.P. - I couldn’t help myself – it is so apt
This was the one haven in Europe during WWII did not get invaded and it had nothing to do with the fear of their armed population. Their army gets the exclusive honour of guarding the chief sorcerer in the Vatican – coincidence?
The Swiss do one thing only – banking! Their main source of revenue is banking! It is the hidey hole of the Rothschilds. Any time anyone has the balls to point at the Swiss they are talking about the Rothschilds. If the invisible elephant in the room represents the power of the jewish lobby then the Rothschilds are the invisible T Rex.
Does anyone remember when Libya blew up that Gadaffi’s son called in his loyalty cards with the Brits? Tony was embarrassed and so many in the think tanks didn’t realise they had been hobnobbing with a heinous camel jockey? Apologies to real camel jockeys while I plead poetic license.
No one complained when the oil money was getting spread around the Tavistock circuit. Gadaffi junior was also good friends with Peter (now Lord) Mandelson - fixer for his holiday buddy Nat Rothschild.
Mandelson is a truly creepy man who revels in the nickname of the ‘Prince of Darkness’. He resigned from public office twice in disgrace. Yet ‘somehow’ he returned from the dark corridors of power to become the kingmaker to preserve Gordon Brown and the last British government. Here’s a titbit from a British tabloid via the truthseeker’s site.
So Gordon Duff thinks it’s the French, Italians and Israhell working against the Brits and the US. Refer back to the picture above that I ‘borrowed’ from A.P. Israhell is a Rothschild creation and plaything. They are so dug into the woodwork in Britain that the only way to get them out again would entail blowtorches – a warming thought (grin).
The Roth’s have played the jewish community like a fiddle. They promote the most rabid of attack dogs to run it for them. One slipped through the control matrix and tried to run it his way. He was soon silenced – research the Rabin assassination and the lousy cover-up.
Both sides are seen to be played against the middle because the same hands pull everyone’s strings. In this fake engineered crisis we now see the imposition of a humanitarian ‘no fly zone’ - WTF. Any humanitarian mission enforced by war planes is akin to fucking for virginity – the end results are identical for the people on the receiving end.
The death and destruction of real human life is inconsequential to these psychopathic monsters. Power plays and business as usual are the result. They are always looking to get one over on their rivals. They consider us as little better than bugs in the corporate compost heap.
The ‘elites’ remind me of the plot from the film Men in Black. Lots of dead bodies and mayhem caused so that some alien royal family could get their galaxy back. The camera pans back at the end of the movie. It show the galaxy used in a token in a game of marbles before being tucked into a purse with other marbles.
‘Payback is a bitch’ is the old saying. I prefer ‘Karma‘s a killer’. The bill is due and the Ides’ of March were the downfall of a previous Empire. This new slaughter may be ‘legal’ but only in the eyes of their pet lawyers. We know the truth and intend to make them pay. Their funny money will not be acceptable.
PS. This may not be the best way or time to praise another blogger but I thoroughly recommend the recently completed 3 part series from James over at Winter Patriot. Excellent analysis.
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3.
Remember Israhell = Rothschild.
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Zoom Out and Pan Around - Part 1
The Big Picture
I feel sometimes we need to step back from the daily barrage of articles and headlines to see if we can get a look at the bigger picture unfolding. I am aware that there are a number of major pieces at play publically. While they are treated separately I feel that are merely individual chords in a diabolical harmony.
I have decided to follow the example of James and break these areas into multiple posts as I made a complete hash of rolling them into one. It stank.. really!
Middle East and the Arc of Crisis

We are all aware of the current events in North Africa and the Middle East. There has been some great writing on these events from more astute observers than I - James, A.P., Penny, Aangirfan and now A13.
Discord, distrust, destabilisation and death are the order of the day. We need to develop some special 4-D specs to see the threads of this plot. What will happen in Libya? What is the planned outcome? Gaddafi’s days in power seem to be numbered but who knows?
The British spooks have wanted him gone for a very long time. They were happy to murder a British Policewoman (PC Yvonne Fletcher) back in ’84 to start a plot to oust him. They framed him for the La Belle bombing in ’86 as a pretext for Ronnie to kill him using the US Air Force – via British air bases. Dropping multiple 1000 lb bombs on his tent is a little excessive. Murdering his young niece certainly brought home the message.
They framed him for the Pan Am Lockerbie bombing also in ’86. The press squealed like the pigs they are when Al-Megrahi was released on humanitarian grounds due to ill health. The fact that his appeal court case was due to be heard was completely ignored. That would have publically aired lots of dirty laundry for the US as well as the British. All of it is now safely down the memory hole.
David Shayler (shylock?) blew the whistle on an MI6 plot in the later 90’s where they paid ‘Islamic Extremists who have connections to Osama Bin Laden's Al Qaeda network’ to try to kill him. Call me gullible but I see a thread there.
I have always had a soft spot for the old dictator ever since he sent a few boat loads of arms to my fellow countrymen back in the day - 400 tonnes worth of payback. My guess is that he will get the Ceaucescu treatment – the sooner the better. That won’t be any use to the hundreds or thousands of dead Libyans. Either way their deaths will still further the agenda of the puppeteers.
When the ‘War of Terror’ (deliberate spelling) was started by the neo-cons Gadaffi saw what way the wind was blowing and made nice with the Globalist gangsters. Blair came along and greased the wheels. The rest of Rothschild’s paid lackeys could not accept his money quickly enough. A little embarrassment all round on that one at the moment.
I see that Perfidious Albion has sent in their spec -ops SAS to Libya – on humanitarian concerns. That’ll be nostalgic for them. They developed out of the Desert Rats of WWII fame. Similarly the US warships sailing around the Gulf of Sidre threaten a replay of ♫..From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli ♫ for the Marines. Watch out Mexico.
Currently there are no reliable (non MSM) sources of information. If I make the mistake of catching the MSM coverage here it’s swarming with think-tank types and eager beaver NGO paid ‘youths’. Many of them have excellent english accents. The many reporters on the scene can fill in any of the juicy details (ie make it up) for the viewers back home.
The talk now is of a ‘project for a new Arab century’ from the ol’ Jazz network. It talks of ‘the birth pangs of a new Middle East are being felt ‘ - smell familiar? Every opportunity is also taken to have a pop at Iran in the vain hope they can rekindle the failed colour revolution from last year.
I read this morning that US, British and French ‘defence advisors’ are now in place in Libya. Even the Indian navy is in on the act. I bet you didn’t know they could project naval power. The prospect of Indian involvement widens the scope all the way to Pakistan.
Libya is lost. All the players are now there to incite and promote civil war while NATO forces guard the oil installations. Egypt and Bahrain are also crucial to US naval power projection. The oil producers are nervously trying to bribe off their restless populations.
All of this is happening in a vast strategic region vital for oil production, global shipping and power projection. From Morocco on the Atlantic Coast to Pakistan on the Arabian Sea we see turmoil and unrest that reaches right to the borders of China.
Pakistan has been the target for balkanisation for many years now. Every attempt at civilian rule since independence has been overturned by the Generals. Musharraf was the West’s favourite puppet until recently. The current civilian government has lurched from one crisis to another.
I listened to an excellent interview recently from Zaid Hamid over at Mark Glenn’s The Ugly Truth. He makes for an excellent analysis of events there and across the region. They are definitely in the cross hairs. What raises the stakes is that Pakistan is the only Islamic Nuclear Power. I have heard rumours that they have sold some to the Saudi’s. They are another story completely.
The Saudi regime has a brutal and dark history. They are not what they seem. They have been the origin and prime promoter of the extremist Wahabbi sect of Islamic teaching. Their power has been increased and consolidated over the last 100 years –guided by first the British and then by the US.
Their oil money has paid for the spread of their madrassas throughout the entire Muslim ummah. All of the fake al-CIA-da bogey men that the zionistas have paraded as examples of ‘islamofascism’ stem from them.
They are regularly guilty of horrific behaviour without a single word raised in the poisoned press. The same crimes if committed by Iran or similar regimes would be howled from the roof tops and paraded daily on our screens.
Most commentary out on the web discusses these events as the work of the US neo-cons and the Zionists. Without a doubt they are but who is pulling their strings. Think of the US as the rook on the chessboard. They can blunder straight ahead or stumble sideways. The Israhelli’s are the bishop and never approach face on – preferring to slip in indirectly. What about the bloodlines – the King and Queen?
I am reminded of Albert Pike's letter to Giuseppe Mazzini dated 1871;
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other”.
A parallel line of thought is in the teachings of Islam. They foretell the coming of a false or fake Mahdi. The Wahabbi’s are certainly prime candidates for me to fill this role. The US has millions of ‘Christian Zionists’ (sic) praying feverishly with their Schofield Bibles awaiting their end-time ‘rapture’. All of the misguided lambs have been expertly led to the slaughter.
I feel that we are making the mistake of focusing on the tactical environment and not watching for strategic planning. We are witnessing the beginning of the globalist’s end game. The bonfire has been building for decades. The Israhelli’s are merrily sitting in the middle of the kindling and handing out matches to all and sundry. Which regime will be the spark, the last domino to start this next, terrible war?
“Who could have believed in the dawning decades of the 21st century that human affairs were being keenly watched and guided by intelligences greater than man’s?
Intellects vast, cool and unsympathetic regarded our Earth with envious eyes, slowly and surely drawing their plans against us.
Few voices were ever raised in warning as, with infinite complacency, men went to and fro over this globe, busy about their affairs……”
A lot has already been written about HG Wells’ famous War of the Worlds. Personally I intend to be the microbe that gives these ‘intellects’ amoebic dysentery.
I thought I was gloomy. Here’s what George Ure posted today with reference to coming events and Nostradamus. Scroll down past the time displacement discussion.
I feel sometimes we need to step back from the daily barrage of articles and headlines to see if we can get a look at the bigger picture unfolding. I am aware that there are a number of major pieces at play publically. While they are treated separately I feel that are merely individual chords in a diabolical harmony.
I have decided to follow the example of James and break these areas into multiple posts as I made a complete hash of rolling them into one. It stank.. really!
Middle East and the Arc of Crisis

We are all aware of the current events in North Africa and the Middle East. There has been some great writing on these events from more astute observers than I - James, A.P., Penny, Aangirfan and now A13.
Discord, distrust, destabilisation and death are the order of the day. We need to develop some special 4-D specs to see the threads of this plot. What will happen in Libya? What is the planned outcome? Gaddafi’s days in power seem to be numbered but who knows?
The British spooks have wanted him gone for a very long time. They were happy to murder a British Policewoman (PC Yvonne Fletcher) back in ’84 to start a plot to oust him. They framed him for the La Belle bombing in ’86 as a pretext for Ronnie to kill him using the US Air Force – via British air bases. Dropping multiple 1000 lb bombs on his tent is a little excessive. Murdering his young niece certainly brought home the message.
They framed him for the Pan Am Lockerbie bombing also in ’86. The press squealed like the pigs they are when Al-Megrahi was released on humanitarian grounds due to ill health. The fact that his appeal court case was due to be heard was completely ignored. That would have publically aired lots of dirty laundry for the US as well as the British. All of it is now safely down the memory hole.
David Shayler (shylock?) blew the whistle on an MI6 plot in the later 90’s where they paid ‘Islamic Extremists who have connections to Osama Bin Laden's Al Qaeda network’ to try to kill him. Call me gullible but I see a thread there.
I have always had a soft spot for the old dictator ever since he sent a few boat loads of arms to my fellow countrymen back in the day - 400 tonnes worth of payback. My guess is that he will get the Ceaucescu treatment – the sooner the better. That won’t be any use to the hundreds or thousands of dead Libyans. Either way their deaths will still further the agenda of the puppeteers.
When the ‘War of Terror’ (deliberate spelling) was started by the neo-cons Gadaffi saw what way the wind was blowing and made nice with the Globalist gangsters. Blair came along and greased the wheels. The rest of Rothschild’s paid lackeys could not accept his money quickly enough. A little embarrassment all round on that one at the moment.
I see that Perfidious Albion has sent in their spec -ops SAS to Libya – on humanitarian concerns. That’ll be nostalgic for them. They developed out of the Desert Rats of WWII fame. Similarly the US warships sailing around the Gulf of Sidre threaten a replay of ♫..From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli ♫ for the Marines. Watch out Mexico.
Currently there are no reliable (non MSM) sources of information. If I make the mistake of catching the MSM coverage here it’s swarming with think-tank types and eager beaver NGO paid ‘youths’. Many of them have excellent english accents. The many reporters on the scene can fill in any of the juicy details (ie make it up) for the viewers back home.
The talk now is of a ‘project for a new Arab century’ from the ol’ Jazz network. It talks of ‘the birth pangs of a new Middle East are being felt ‘ - smell familiar? Every opportunity is also taken to have a pop at Iran in the vain hope they can rekindle the failed colour revolution from last year.
I read this morning that US, British and French ‘defence advisors’ are now in place in Libya. Even the Indian navy is in on the act. I bet you didn’t know they could project naval power. The prospect of Indian involvement widens the scope all the way to Pakistan.
Libya is lost. All the players are now there to incite and promote civil war while NATO forces guard the oil installations. Egypt and Bahrain are also crucial to US naval power projection. The oil producers are nervously trying to bribe off their restless populations.
All of this is happening in a vast strategic region vital for oil production, global shipping and power projection. From Morocco on the Atlantic Coast to Pakistan on the Arabian Sea we see turmoil and unrest that reaches right to the borders of China.
Pakistan has been the target for balkanisation for many years now. Every attempt at civilian rule since independence has been overturned by the Generals. Musharraf was the West’s favourite puppet until recently. The current civilian government has lurched from one crisis to another.
I listened to an excellent interview recently from Zaid Hamid over at Mark Glenn’s The Ugly Truth. He makes for an excellent analysis of events there and across the region. They are definitely in the cross hairs. What raises the stakes is that Pakistan is the only Islamic Nuclear Power. I have heard rumours that they have sold some to the Saudi’s. They are another story completely.
The Saudi regime has a brutal and dark history. They are not what they seem. They have been the origin and prime promoter of the extremist Wahabbi sect of Islamic teaching. Their power has been increased and consolidated over the last 100 years –guided by first the British and then by the US.
Their oil money has paid for the spread of their madrassas throughout the entire Muslim ummah. All of the fake al-CIA-da bogey men that the zionistas have paraded as examples of ‘islamofascism’ stem from them.
They are regularly guilty of horrific behaviour without a single word raised in the poisoned press. The same crimes if committed by Iran or similar regimes would be howled from the roof tops and paraded daily on our screens.
Most commentary out on the web discusses these events as the work of the US neo-cons and the Zionists. Without a doubt they are but who is pulling their strings. Think of the US as the rook on the chessboard. They can blunder straight ahead or stumble sideways. The Israhelli’s are the bishop and never approach face on – preferring to slip in indirectly. What about the bloodlines – the King and Queen?
I am reminded of Albert Pike's letter to Giuseppe Mazzini dated 1871;
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other”.
A parallel line of thought is in the teachings of Islam. They foretell the coming of a false or fake Mahdi. The Wahabbi’s are certainly prime candidates for me to fill this role. The US has millions of ‘Christian Zionists’ (sic) praying feverishly with their Schofield Bibles awaiting their end-time ‘rapture’. All of the misguided lambs have been expertly led to the slaughter.
I feel that we are making the mistake of focusing on the tactical environment and not watching for strategic planning. We are witnessing the beginning of the globalist’s end game. The bonfire has been building for decades. The Israhelli’s are merrily sitting in the middle of the kindling and handing out matches to all and sundry. Which regime will be the spark, the last domino to start this next, terrible war?
“Who could have believed in the dawning decades of the 21st century that human affairs were being keenly watched and guided by intelligences greater than man’s?
Intellects vast, cool and unsympathetic regarded our Earth with envious eyes, slowly and surely drawing their plans against us.
Few voices were ever raised in warning as, with infinite complacency, men went to and fro over this globe, busy about their affairs……”
A lot has already been written about HG Wells’ famous War of the Worlds. Personally I intend to be the microbe that gives these ‘intellects’ amoebic dysentery.
I thought I was gloomy. Here’s what George Ure posted today with reference to coming events and Nostradamus. Scroll down past the time displacement discussion.